A SDL2 Wrapper in C
Public Attributes | List of all members
Element Struct Reference

All the informations of an element. More...

#include <Element.h>

Collaboration diagram for Element:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

double x
double y
double width
double height
double prX
double prY
double rotation
int coulBlock [4]
double textSize
EventElement events
SDL_Texture * image
struct ListPtrElementinteractions
void * data
void(* freeData )(void *)
int deleted
int deleteCode
int selected
struct ElementelementParent
struct ListPtrElement elementChildren

Detailed Description

All the informations of an element.

Member Data Documentation

◆ actions

ListAction* Element::actions

list of actions to be done on this element

◆ animation

ListAnimation* Element::animation

animation of the image

◆ codes

ListDisplayCode* Element::codes

list of display code of the element

◆ coulBlock

int Element::coulBlock[4]

color of the block of the element (if first value -1, there is no block)

◆ data

void* Element::data

data available for the user

◆ deleteCode

int Element::deleteCode

plan or display code to be removed from

◆ deleted

int Element::deleted

tells whether or not the element should be deleted (1 for completely deleted, 2 for display remove, 3 for plan change)

◆ elementChildren

struct ListPtrElement Element::elementChildren

children elements in the scenary graph

◆ elementParent

struct Element* Element::elementParent

parent element in the scenary graph

◆ entry

Entry* Element::entry

informations about the entry (NULL if no entry)

◆ events

EventElement Element::events

behavior of the element to events

◆ flip

SANDAL2_FLIP Element::flip

tells whether or not the element should be flipped, can be SANDAL2_FLIP_VER, SANDAL2_FLIP_HOR, SANDAL2_FLIP_NONE or a combinaison of those

◆ font

Font* Element::font

informations about the text (NULL if no text)

◆ freeData

void(* Element::freeData) (void *)

function to be called to free the data

◆ height

double Element::height

height of the element

◆ hitboxes

ListClickable* Element::hitboxes

list of clickable zones

◆ image

SDL_Texture* Element::image

texture of the image (NULL if no image)

◆ interactions

struct ListPtrElement* Element::interactions

list of elements that this element can modifie

◆ parent

Window* Element::parent

parent window of the element

◆ prX

double Element::prX

abscissa coordinate of the rotation point (if from 0 to 1, in the element)

◆ prY

double Element::prY

ordinate coordinate of the rotation point (if from 0 to 1, in the element)

◆ rotation

double Element::rotation

rotation angle of the element

◆ selected

int Element::selected

tells whether or not the element is selected

◆ textSize

double Element::textSize

text proportion in the block

◆ width

double Element::width

width of the element

◆ x

double Element::x

abscissa coordinate of the top left of the element

◆ y

double Element::y

ordinate coordinate of the top left of the element

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: