A SDL2 Wrapper in C
Public Attributes | List of all members
EventElement Struct Reference

Behaviors of an element to events. More...

#include <Element.h>

Public Attributes

void(* action )(struct Element *)
void(* onClick )(struct Element *, int)
void(* unClick )(struct Element *, int)
void(* keyPress )(struct Element *, SDL_Keycode c)
void(* keyReleased )(struct Element *, SDL_Keycode c)
void(* unSelect )(struct Element *)
void(* endSprite )(struct Element *, int code)
void(* onMouseMotion )(struct Element *)
void(* unMouseMotion )(struct Element *)
void(* endAction )(struct Element *)

Detailed Description

Behaviors of an element to events.

Member Data Documentation

◆ action

void(* EventElement::action) (struct Element *)

function called when update

◆ endAction

void(* EventElement::endAction) (struct Element *)

function called when the ListAction bound to the element (if any) ends

◆ endSprite

void(* EventElement::endSprite) (struct Element *, int code)

function called at the end of a sprite

◆ keyPress

void(* EventElement::keyPress) (struct Element *, SDL_Keycode c)

function called when a key is pressed

◆ keyReleased

void(* EventElement::keyReleased) (struct Element *, SDL_Keycode c)

function called when a key is released

◆ onClick

void(* EventElement::onClick) (struct Element *, int)

function called when the element is clicked

◆ onMouseMotion

void(* EventElement::onMouseMotion) (struct Element *)

function called when the mouse move over a zone

◆ unClick

void(* EventElement::unClick) (struct Element *, int)

function called when the element is unclicked

◆ unMouseMotion

void(* EventElement::unMouseMotion) (struct Element *)

function called when the mouse exit the hover zone

◆ unSelect

void(* EventElement::unSelect) (struct Element *)

function called when the element is unselected

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: