A SDL2 Wrapper in C
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CCircleRepresente a hittable ellipse
 CClickableRepresente a hit boxe which is a collection of Line (defining a convexe polygon) and Circle
 CDisplayCodeDisplay code containing the plan and a flag to indicate if it is displaied
 CElementAll the informations of an element
 CEntryMore informations about entry
 CEventElementBehaviors of an element to events
 CEventWindowBehaviors of a window to events
 CFontInformations about font
 CLineRepresente a line which delimitate a hittable surface from a none hittable one
 CListAnimationList of animations
 CListClickableCollection of hit boxes
 CListDCElementList (display code) of list (plan) of element
 CListDisplayCodeList of display codes
 CListElementList of list (display code) of list (plan) of elements
 CListPtrElementList of PtrElement
 CListSpriteAll steps of an animation
 CListWindowList of windows
 CPtrElementStructure used to store elements' pointers in a list of element
 CSpriteInformations about a step of an animation
 CWindowSANDAL2 window