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A SDL2 Wrapper in C
CAction | |
CActionNode | |
CCircle | Represente a hittable ellipse |
CClickable | Represente a hit boxe which is a collection of Line (defining a convexe polygon) and Circle |
CDisplayCode | Display code containing the plan and a flag to indicate if it is displaied |
CElement | All the informations of an element |
CEntry | More informations about entry |
CEventElement | Behaviors of an element to events |
CEventWindow | Behaviors of a window to events |
CFont | Informations about font |
CLine | Represente a line which delimitate a hittable surface from a none hittable one |
CListAction | |
CListAnimation | List of animations |
CListClickable | Collection of hit boxes |
CListDCElement | List (display code) of list (plan) of element |
CListDisplayCode | List of display codes |
CListElement | List of list (display code) of list (plan) of elements |
CListPtrElement | List of PtrElement |
CListSprite | All steps of an animation |
CListWindow | List of windows |
CPtrElement | Structure used to store elements' pointers in a list of element |
CSprite | Informations about a step of an animation |
CWindow | SANDAL2 window |