![]() |
A SDL2 Wrapper in C
Contains all structures related to Elements. More...
#include "Clickable.h"
#include "Font.h"
#include "Window.h"
#include "DisplayCode.h"
#include "Sprite.h"
#include "Action.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | Entry |
More informations about entry. More... | |
struct | PtrElement |
Structure used to store elements' pointers in a list of element. More... | |
struct | ListPtrElement |
List of PtrElement. More... | |
struct | EventElement |
Behaviors of an element to events. More... | |
struct | Element |
All the informations of an element. More... | |
struct | ListDCElement |
List (display code) of list (plan) of element. More... | |
struct | ListElement |
List of list (display code) of list (plan) of elements. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | SANDAL2_FLIP SDL_RendererFlip |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct PtrElement | PtrElement |
typedef struct ListPtrElement | ListPtrElement |
typedef struct Element | Element |
typedef struct ListDCElement | ListDCElement |
typedef struct ListElement | ListElement |
Functions | |
ListElement * | _initListElement (void) |
Initialise a list of lists (display code) of lists (plan) of elements. More... | |
void | _freeListElement (ListElement *l) |
free the memory of a list of lists (display code) of lists (plan) of elements More... | |
int | addElement (Element *e) |
add an element to a list of lists (display code) of lists (plan) of elements More... | |
void | _cleanElement (void) |
remove all elements that are marked as deletable (do not use it yourself, used in update) | |
int | delElement (Element *e) |
mark an element as removable More... | |
void | _freeElement (Element *e) |
Free the memory used by an element. More... | |
Element * | createBlock (double x, double y, double width, double height, int color[4], int displayCode, int plan) |
Generate a non rotable rectangle like element. More... | |
Element * | createText (double x, double y, double width, double height, double textSize, const char *font, const char *text, int textColor[4], int quality, int displayCode, int plan) |
Generate a text like element. More... | |
Element * | createImage (double x, double y, double width, double height, const char *image, int displayCode, int plan) |
Generate an image like element. More... | |
Element * | createImageBlock (double x, double y, double width, double height, int color[4], int displayCode, int plan) |
Generate a rotable rectangle like element (slower than createBlock()) More... | |
Element * | createButton (double x, double y, double width, double height, double texteSize, const char *font, const char *text, int textColor[4], int quality, int colorBlock[4], int displayCode, int plan) |
Generate a button like element. More... | |
Element * | createButtonImage (double x, double y, double width, double height, double texteSize, const char *font, const char *text, int textColor[4], int quality, const char *image, int displayCode, int plan) |
Generate a button like element with an image. More... | |
Element * | createEntry (double x, double y, double width, double height, double texteSize, const char *font, const char *text, int textColor[4], int quality, int colorBlock[4], int displayCode, int plan, int min, int max, int isScripted) |
Generate a prompt like element. More... | |
Element * | createEntryImage (double x, double y, double width, double height, double texteSize, const char *font, const char *text, int textColor[4], int quality, const char *image, int displayCode, int plan, int min, int max, int isScripted) |
Generate a prompt like element with an image. More... | |
int | isDisplaiedElement (Element *e) |
tell whether or not the element can be displaied More... | |
int | clearDisplayCode (int code) |
clear all elements of a display code in the current window More... | |
int | getFlipStateElement (Element *e, SANDAL2_FLIP *flip) |
get the flip state of an element More... | |
int | getCoordElement (Element *e, double *x, double *y) |
getter for the Element's coordinates More... | |
int | getAngleElement (Element *e, double *a) |
getter for the Element's angle More... | |
int | getDimensionElement (Element *e, double *w, double *h) |
getter for the Element's dimensions More... | |
int | getRotationPointElement (Element *e, double *x, double *y) |
getter for the Element's rotation point More... | |
int | getDataElement (Element *e, void **data) |
getter for the element's data More... | |
int | isSelectedElement (Element *e, int *select) |
tells whether or not the element is selected More... | |
int | getTextStyleElement (Element *e, int *style) |
int | getTextElement (Element *e, char **s) |
get the text of an element More... | |
int | getColorElement (Element *e, int color[4]) |
get the element's block color More... | |
int | getWidthElement (Element *e, double *w) |
get the element's width More... | |
int | getHeightElement (Element *e, double *h) |
get the element's height More... | |
int | getCoordXElement (Element *e, double *x) |
get the element's x coordinate More... | |
int | getCoordYElement (Element *e, double *y) |
get the element's y coordinate More... | |
int | getAlphaElement (Element *e, int *alpha) |
get the element's color alpha value (from 0 for transparent to 255 for fully visible) More... | |
int | setFontElement (Element *e, const char *font) |
set the element's font More... | |
int | setTextElement (Element *e, const char *text) |
set the element's text More... | |
int | setTextStyleElement (Element *e, int style) |
set the element's text font style More... | |
int | setColorElement (Element *e, int color[4]) |
set the element's block color More... | |
int | setTextColorElement (Element *e, int color[4]) |
set the element's text color More... | |
int | setTextQualityElement (Element *e, int quality) |
set the element's text color More... | |
int | setImageElement (Element *e, const char *image) |
set the element's image More... | |
int | setImageSurfaceElement (Element *e, SDL_Surface *image) |
set the element's image with a 's texture More... | |
int | replaceElement (Element *e, double x, double y) |
set the element's coordinates More... | |
int | moveElement (Element *e, double x, double y) |
move an element More... | |
int | setDimensionElement (Element *e, double width, double height) |
resize an element More... | |
int | setTextSize (Element *e, double textSize) |
set the text size of the text of an element in this element More... | |
int | addDisplayCodeElement (Element *e, int displayCode, int plan) |
add a display code to an element (if it did not already had it) More... | |
int | delDisplayCodeElement (Element *e, int displayCode) |
remove a display code to an element (if it has it) More... | |
int | setDisplayCodeElement (Element *e, int displayCode, int isDisplaied) |
set the isDisplaied option of a display code (if the element has it) More... | |
int | setPlanElement (Element *e, int DisplayCode, int plan) |
set the plan of a display code (if the element has it) More... | |
int | clearPlanDisplayCode (int code, int plan) |
clear all elements of a plan in a display code of the current window More... | |
int | setActionElement (Element *e, void(*action)(Element *)) |
set the continuous behaviour of an element More... | |
int | setKeyPressedElement (Element *e, void(*keyPress)(Element *, SDL_Keycode c)) |
set the behaviour of an element when a key is pressed More... | |
int | setKeyReleasedElement (Element *e, void(*keyReleased)(Element *, SDL_Keycode c)) |
set the behaviour of an element when a key is released More... | |
int | setOnClickElement (Element *e, void(*onCLick)(Element *, int button)) |
set the behaviour of an element when it is clicked More... | |
int | setOnMouseMotionElement (Element *e, void(*onMouseMotion)(Element *)) |
set the behaviour of an element when the mouse move on it More... | |
int | setUnMouseMotionElement (Element *e, void(*unMouseMotion)(Element *)) |
set the behaviour of an element when the mouse move out of it More... | |
int | setUnClickElement (Element *e, void(*unCLick)(Element *, int button)) |
set the behaviour of an element when it is unclicked More... | |
int | setUnSelectElement (Element *e, void(*unSelect)(Element *)) |
set the behaiour of an element when it is unselect More... | |
int | setEndSpriteElement (Element *e, void(*endSprite)(Element *, int currentCode)) |
set the behaviour of an element when it ends a sprite More... | |
int | setEndActionElement (Element *e, void(*endAction)(Element *)) |
set the behaviour of an element when its action list ends More... | |
int | addElementToElement (Element *e, Element *add) |
add an element to another so that this other can modifie the first one More... | |
int | delElementToElement (Element *e, Element *del) |
remove an element to another so that this other can not modifie the first one More... | |
int | clearElementToElement (Element *e) |
remove all elements binded to an element More... | |
int | addClickableElement (Element *e, Clickable *hb, int blocking) |
add a clickable zone to the element (or a blocking one) More... | |
int | addAngleElement (Element *e, double a) |
increase the angle of an element More... | |
int | rotateElement (Element *e, double a, double prX, double prY) |
directly rotate the element (more time consuming than adding angle) More... | |
int | setAngleElement (Element *e, double a) |
set the angle of an element More... | |
int | setRotationPointElement (Element *e, double x, double y) |
set the rotation point's coordinates of an element More... | |
int | setDataElement (Element *e, void *data) |
set the element's data More... | |
int | setFreeDataElement (Element *e, void(*freeData)(void *)) |
set the element's freeing data's function (by default, set to free) More... | |
int | freeDataElement (Element *e) |
free the element's data according to the element's freeing data behavior More... | |
int | addAnimationElement (Element *e, int code) |
add an empty animation to the element More... | |
int | delAnimationElement (Element *e, int code) |
remove an empty animation from the list More... | |
int | addSpriteAnimationElement (Element *e, int code, int x, int y, int width, int height, int lifespan, int codeS) |
add a Sprite to the element More... | |
int | delSpriteAnimationElement (Element *e, int code, int codeS) |
remove a Sprite in the element More... | |
int | setLifeSpanSpriteAnimationElement (Element *e, int code, int codeS, unsigned lifespan) |
set the lifespan of a sprite More... | |
int | nextSpriteElement (Element *e) |
go to te next sprite of the current animation of an element More... | |
int | previousSpriteElement (Element *e) |
go to the previous sprite of the current animation of an element More... | |
int | setWaySpriteAnimationElement (Element *e, int code, int side) |
set the way to go from a sprite to another (forward (1), backward (-1), no move (0)) More... | |
int | nextAnimationElement (Element *e) |
go to te next animation of an element More... | |
int | previousAnimationElement (Element *e) |
go to the previous animation of an element More... | |
int | setAnimationElement (Element *e, int code) |
set the animation of an element More... | |
int | setSpriteAnimationElement (Element *e, int codeS) |
set the sprite in the current animation of an element More... | |
int | clearWindow (void) |
remove all elements from the current window More... | |
int | setFlipStateElement (Element *e, SANDAL2_FLIP flip) |
set the flip state of an element More... | |
int | setWidthElement (Element *e, double width) |
set the element's width More... | |
int | setHeightElement (Element *e, double height) |
set the element's height More... | |
int | setCoordXElement (Element *e, double x) |
set the element's x coordinate More... | |
int | setCoordYElement (Element *e, double y) |
set the element's y coordinate More... | |
int | setActionListElement (Element *e, ListAction *actions) |
Define a list of actions to apply to an element. More... | |
int | setAlphaElement (Element *e, int alpha) |
set alpha of the element (255: completly visible, 0: completly transparent) More... | |
long long | addActionToElement (Element *e, ListAction *action) |
add an action at the end of the element action list More... | |
int | delActionToElement (Element *e, long long index) |
remove an action of the element action list More... | |
int | setParentElement (Element *parent, Element *child) |
set the parent of an element in the scenary graph More... | |
int | delParentElement (Element *child) |
Remove the parent of an element in the scenary graph. More... | |
int | initIteratorElement (Element *e) |
initialize the element's iterator on all the elements it can modifie More... | |
Element * | nextIteratorElement (Element *e) |
gives the current element's iterator's value and go to the next one More... | |
int | initIterator (int displayCode) |
initialise the iterator of all elements having a common display code More... | |
Element * | nextElement () |
gives the current iterator's value and go to the next one More... | |
int | setSizeEntry (Element *e, int size_min, int size_max) |
change the minimum and maximum size of a prompt (if a value is negative, it is not modified) More... | |
int | setScriptedEntry (Element *e, int isScripted) |
set an element to crypted or uncrypted More... | |
int | addCharEntry (Element *e, char c) |
add a character to a prompt More... | |
int | delCharEntry (Element *e) |
remove a character to a prompt More... | |
Variables | |
ListWindow * | _windows_SANDAL2 |
List of windows WARNING : Do not touch this list ... trust me. | |
Contains all structures related to Elements.
void _freeElement | ( | Element * | e | ) |
Free the memory used by an element.
e | : element to be freed |
void _freeListElement | ( | ListElement * | l | ) |
free the memory of a list of lists (display code) of lists (plan) of elements
l | : list to be freed |
ListElement* _initListElement | ( | void | ) |
Initialise a list of lists (display code) of lists (plan) of elements.
long long addActionToElement | ( | Element * | e, |
ListAction * | action | ||
) |
add an action at the end of the element action list
e | : element to add the action to |
action | : action to be added, it will be freed if the add succeeded |
int addAngleElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double | a | ||
) |
increase the angle of an element
e | : element to be modified |
a | : angle increment |
int addAnimationElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | code | ||
) |
add an empty animation to the element
e | : element |
code | : code of the new animation |
int addCharEntry | ( | Element * | e, |
char | c | ||
) |
add a character to a prompt
e | : element to be modified |
c | : character to be added |
add a clickable zone to the element (or a blocking one)
e | : element to be modified |
hb | : clickable zone to be add |
blocking | : tells whether or not the clickable zone is a blocking one |
int addDisplayCodeElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | displayCode, | ||
int | plan | ||
) |
add a display code to an element (if it did not already had it)
e | : element to be modified |
displayCode | : new display code |
plan | : plan linked to the new display code |
int addElement | ( | Element * | e | ) |
add an element to a list of lists (display code) of lists (plan) of elements
e | : element to be add |
add an element to another so that this other can modifie the first one
e | : element to be modified |
add | : element to be add |
int addSpriteAnimationElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | code, | ||
int | x, | ||
int | y, | ||
int | width, | ||
int | height, | ||
int | lifespan, | ||
int | codeS | ||
) |
add a Sprite to the element
e | : element |
x | : abscissa coordinate of the top left corner of the sprite in its image |
y | : ordinate coordinate of the top left corner of the sprite in its image |
width | : width of the sprite in its image |
height | : height of the sprite in its image |
lifespan | : number of time the sprite should be displaied before going to the next sprite |
codeS | : identifier of the sprite to be added |
int clearDisplayCode | ( | int | code | ) |
clear all elements of a display code in the current window
code | : display code to be cleared |
int clearElementToElement | ( | Element * | e | ) |
remove all elements binded to an element
e | : element to be modified |
int clearPlanDisplayCode | ( | int | code, |
int | plan | ||
) |
clear all elements of a plan in a display code of the current window
code | : display code to be modified |
plan | : plan to be removed |
int clearWindow | ( | void | ) |
remove all elements from the current window
Element* createBlock | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double | width, | ||
double | height, | ||
int | color[4], | ||
int | displayCode, | ||
int | plan | ||
) |
Generate a non rotable rectangle like element.
x | : abscissa coordinate of its top left corner |
y | : ordinate coordinate of its top left corner |
width | : width of the element |
height | : height of the element |
color | : color of the rectangle (RGBA) |
displayCode | : display code of the rectangle |
plan | : plan of the rectangle |
Element* createButton | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double | width, | ||
double | height, | ||
double | texteSize, | ||
const char * | font, | ||
const char * | text, | ||
int | textColor[4], | ||
int | quality, | ||
int | colorBlock[4], | ||
int | displayCode, | ||
int | plan | ||
) |
Generate a button like element.
x | : abscissa coordinate of its top left corner |
y | : ordinate coordinate of its top left corner |
width | : width of the element |
height | : height of the element |
texteSize | : proportion of the text in the rectangle (it is centered) |
font | : path to load the font to be used by the element |
text | : text of the element |
textColor | : color of the text (RGBA) |
quality | : quality of the text's texture (blended, shaded or solid) |
colorBlock | : color of the rectangle (RGBA) |
displayCode | : display code of the button |
plan | : plan of the button |
Element* createButtonImage | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double | width, | ||
double | height, | ||
double | texteSize, | ||
const char * | font, | ||
const char * | text, | ||
int | textColor[4], | ||
int | quality, | ||
const char * | image, | ||
int | displayCode, | ||
int | plan | ||
) |
Generate a button like element with an image.
x | : abscissa coordinate of its top left corner |
y | : ordinate coordinate of its top left corner |
width | : width of the element |
height | : height of the element |
texteSize | : proportion of the text in the rectangle (it is centered) |
font | : path to load the font to be used by the element |
text | : text of the element |
textColor | : color of the text (RGBA) |
quality | : quality of the text's texture (blended, shaded or solid) |
image | : path to load the image to be used by the element |
displayCode | : display code of the button |
plan | : plan of the button |
Element* createEntry | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double | width, | ||
double | height, | ||
double | texteSize, | ||
const char * | font, | ||
const char * | text, | ||
int | textColor[4], | ||
int | quality, | ||
int | colorBlock[4], | ||
int | displayCode, | ||
int | plan, | ||
int | min, | ||
int | max, | ||
int | isScripted | ||
) |
Generate a prompt like element.
x | : abscissa coordinate of its top left corner |
y | : ordinate coordinate of its top left corner |
width | : width of the element |
height | : height of the element |
texteSize | : proportion of the text in the rectangle (it is centered) |
font | : path to load the font to be used by the element |
text | : text of the element |
textColor | : color of the text (RGBA) |
quality | : quality of the text's texture (blended, shaded or solid) |
colorBlock | : color of the rectangle (RGBA) |
displayCode | : display code of the button |
plan | : plan of the button |
min | : minimum number of character for the prompt to be validate |
max | : maximum number of character for the prompt to be validate |
isScripted | : flag which tells whether or not the prompt is cripted |
Element* createEntryImage | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double | width, | ||
double | height, | ||
double | texteSize, | ||
const char * | font, | ||
const char * | text, | ||
int | textColor[4], | ||
int | quality, | ||
const char * | image, | ||
int | displayCode, | ||
int | plan, | ||
int | min, | ||
int | max, | ||
int | isScripted | ||
) |
Generate a prompt like element with an image.
x | : abscissa coordinate of its top left corner |
y | : ordinate coordinate of its top left corner |
width | : width of the element |
height | : height of the element |
texteSize | : proportion of the text in the rectangle (it is centered) |
font | : path to load the font to be used by the element |
text | : text of the element |
textColor | : color of the text (RGBA) |
quality | : quality of the text's texture (blended, shaded or solid) |
image | : path to load the image to be used by the element |
displayCode | : display code of the button |
plan | : plan of the button |
min | : minimum number of character for the prompt to be validate |
max | : maximum number of character for the prompt to be validate |
isScripted | : flag which tells whether or not the prompt is cripted |
Element* createImage | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double | width, | ||
double | height, | ||
const char * | image, | ||
int | displayCode, | ||
int | plan | ||
) |
Generate an image like element.
x | : abscissa coordinate of its top left corner |
y | : ordinate coordinate of its top left corner |
width | : width of the element |
height | : height of the element |
image | : path to load the image to be used by the element |
displayCode | : display code of the image |
plan | : plan of the image |
Element* createImageBlock | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double | width, | ||
double | height, | ||
int | color[4], | ||
int | displayCode, | ||
int | plan | ||
) |
Generate a rotable rectangle like element (slower than createBlock())
x | : abscissa coordinate of its top left corner |
y | : ordinate coordinate of its top left corner |
width | : width of the element |
height | : height of the element |
color | : color of the rectangle (RGBA) |
displayCode | : display code of the rectangle |
plan | : plan of the rectangle |
Element* createText | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double | width, | ||
double | height, | ||
double | textSize, | ||
const char * | font, | ||
const char * | text, | ||
int | textColor[4], | ||
int | quality, | ||
int | displayCode, | ||
int | plan | ||
) |
Generate a text like element.
x | : abscissa coordinate of its top left corner |
y | : ordinate coordinate of its top left corner |
width | : width of the element |
height | : height of the element |
font | : path to load the font to be used by the element |
text | : text of the element |
textColor | : color of the text (RGBA) |
quality | : quality of the text's texture (blended, shaded or solid) |
displayCode | : display code of the text |
plan | : plan of the text |
int delActionToElement | ( | Element * | e, |
long long | index | ||
) |
remove an action of the element action list
e | : element to be modified |
index | : index of the action to be removed |
int delAnimationElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | code | ||
) |
remove an empty animation from the list
l | : list of animation |
code | : code of the animation to be removed |
int delCharEntry | ( | Element * | e | ) |
remove a character to a prompt
e | : element to be modified |
int delDisplayCodeElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | displayCode | ||
) |
remove a display code to an element (if it has it)
e | : element to be modified |
displayCode | : display code to be removed |
int delElement | ( | Element * | e | ) |
mark an element as removable
e | : element to be removed |
remove an element to another so that this other can not modifie the first one
e | : element to be modified |
del | : element to be removed |
int delParentElement | ( | Element * | child | ) |
Remove the parent of an element in the scenary graph.
child | element to remove the parent from |
int delSpriteAnimationElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | code, | ||
int | codeS | ||
) |
remove a Sprite in the element
e | : element |
codeS | : code of the sprite to be removed |
int freeDataElement | ( | Element * | e | ) |
free the element's data according to the element's freeing data behavior
e | : element to be modified |
int getAlphaElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int * | alpha | ||
) |
get the element's color alpha value (from 0 for transparent to 255 for fully visible)
e | : element to get the informations from |
alpha | : where to store the alpha value |
int getAngleElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double * | a | ||
) |
getter for the Element's angle
e | : element to get the angle |
a | : where the angle will be store |
int getColorElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | color[4] | ||
) |
get the element's block color
e | : element to get the informations from |
color | : where to store the block color |
int getCoordElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | y | ||
) |
getter for the Element's coordinates
e | : element to get the coordinates |
x | : where the abscissa coordinate will be store |
y | : where the ordinate coordinate will be store |
int getCoordXElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double * | x | ||
) |
get the element's x coordinate
e | : element to get the informations from |
x | : where to store the x coordinate |
int getCoordYElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double * | y | ||
) |
get the element's y coordinate
e | : element to get the informations from |
y | : where to store the y coordinate |
int getDataElement | ( | Element * | e, |
void ** | data | ||
) |
getter for the element's data
e | : element to get its data |
data | : where to store the element's data |
int getDimensionElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double * | w, | ||
double * | h | ||
) |
getter for the Element's dimensions
e | : element to get the dimensions |
w | : where the width will be store |
h | : where the height will be store |
int getFlipStateElement | ( | Element * | e, |
SANDAL2_FLIP * | flip | ||
) |
get the flip state of an element
e | : element to get the flip state |
flip | : where to store the flip state |
int getHeightElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double * | h | ||
) |
get the element's height
e | : element to get the informations from |
h | : where to store the height |
int getRotationPointElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double * | x, | ||
double * | y | ||
) |
getter for the Element's rotation point
e | : element to get the rotation point's coordinate |
x | : where the abscissa coordinate of the rotation point will be store |
y | : where the ordinate coordinate of the rotation point will be store |
int getTextElement | ( | Element * | e, |
char ** | s | ||
) |
get the text of an element
e | : the element to get the text from |
s | : where to store the text |
int getTextStyleElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int * | style | ||
) |
get the element's text font style
e | : the element to get the font style |
style | : where to store the style |
int getWidthElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double * | w | ||
) |
get the element's width
e | : element to get the informations from |
w | : where to store the width |
int initIterator | ( | int | displayCode | ) |
initialise the iterator of all elements having a common display code
displayCode | : common display code of the elements |
int initIteratorElement | ( | Element * | e | ) |
initialize the element's iterator on all the elements it can modifie
e | : element from which to initialise the iterator |
int isDisplaiedElement | ( | Element * | e | ) |
tell whether or not the element can be displaied
e | : element |
int isSelectedElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int * | select | ||
) |
tells whether or not the element is selected
e | : element to get the information from |
select | : where to store the information |
int moveElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double | x, | ||
double | y | ||
) |
move an element
e | : element to be modified |
x | : abscissa increment |
y | : ordinate increment |
int nextAnimationElement | ( | Element * | e | ) |
go to te next animation of an element
e | : element |
Element* nextElement | ( | ) |
gives the current iterator's value and go to the next one
gives the current element's iterator's value and go to the next one
e | : element to be modified |
int nextSpriteElement | ( | Element * | e | ) |
go to te next sprite of the current animation of an element
e | : element |
int previousAnimationElement | ( | Element * | e | ) |
go to the previous animation of an element
e | : element |
int previousSpriteElement | ( | Element * | e | ) |
go to the previous sprite of the current animation of an element
e | : element |
int replaceElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double | x, | ||
double | y | ||
) |
set the element's coordinates
e | : element to be modified |
x | : new abscissa coordinate |
y | : new ordinate coordinate |
int rotateElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double | a, | ||
double | prX, | ||
double | prY | ||
) |
directly rotate the element (more time consuming than adding angle)
e | : element to rotate around a rotation point |
a | : angle of the rotation |
prX | : x coordinate of the rotation point |
prY | : y coordinate of the rotation point |
set the continuous behaviour of an element
e | : element to be modified |
action | : function to be called on each update call |
int setActionListElement | ( | Element * | e, |
ListAction * | actions | ||
) |
Define a list of actions to apply to an element.
e | : element to be modified |
actions | : list of actions to set on the element (do not free it yourself) |
int setAlphaElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | alpha | ||
) |
set alpha of the element (255: completly visible, 0: completly transparent)
e | : element to modify |
alpha | : new alpha value of the element |
int setAngleElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double | a | ||
) |
set the angle of an element
e | : element to be modified |
a | : new angle of the element |
int setAnimationElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | code | ||
) |
set the animation of an element
e | : element to be modified |
code | : code of the animation to set |
int setColorElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | color[4] | ||
) |
set the element's block color
e | : element to be modified |
color | : new block color |
int setCoordXElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double | x | ||
) |
set the element's x coordinate
e | : element to be modified |
x | : new x coordinate |
int setCoordYElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double | y | ||
) |
set the element's y coordinate
e | : element to be modified |
y | : new y coordinate |
int setDataElement | ( | Element * | e, |
void * | data | ||
) |
set the element's data
e | : element to be modified |
data | : new data of the element |
int setDimensionElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double | width, | ||
double | height | ||
) |
resize an element
e | : element to be modified |
width | : new width |
height | : new height |
int setDisplayCodeElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | displayCode, | ||
int | isDisplaied | ||
) |
set the isDisplaied option of a display code (if the element has it)
e | : element to be modified |
displayCode | : display code to be modified |
isDisplaied | : new isDisplaied option |
set the behaviour of an element when its action list ends
e | : element to be modified |
unSelect | : new behaviour |
set the behaviour of an element when it ends a sprite
e | : element to be modified |
endSprite | : new behaviour |
int setFlipStateElement | ( | Element * | e, |
SANDAL2_FLIP | flip | ||
) |
set the flip state of an element
e | : element to be modified |
flip | : new flip state of the element |
int setFontElement | ( | Element * | e, |
const char * | font | ||
) |
set the element's font
e | : element to be modified |
font | : path of the new font |
int setFreeDataElement | ( | Element * | e, |
void(*)(void *) | freeData | ||
) |
set the element's freeing data's function (by default, set to free)
e | : element to be modified |
freeData | : new data freeing behavior |
int setHeightElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double | height | ||
) |
set the element's height
e | : element to be modified |
height | : new height |
int setImageElement | ( | Element * | e, |
const char * | image | ||
) |
set the element's image
e | : element to be modified |
image | : path of the new image |
int setImageSurfaceElement | ( | Element * | e, |
SDL_Surface * | image | ||
) |
set the element's image with a 's texture
e | : element to be modified |
image | : surface of the new image |
set the behaviour of an element when a key is pressed
e | : element to be modified |
keyPress | : function to be called when a key is pressed |
set the behaviour of an element when a key is released
e | : element to be modified |
keyReleased | : function to be called when a key is released |
int setLifeSpanSpriteAnimationElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | code, | ||
int | codeS, | ||
unsigned | lifespan | ||
) |
set the lifespan of a sprite
e | : element |
codeS | : code of the sprite to be changed |
lifespan | : new number of time the sprite should be displaied before going to the next sprite |
set the behaviour of an element when it is clicked
e | : element to be modified |
onCLick | : function to be called when it is clicked |
set the behaviour of an element when the mouse move on it
e | : element to be modified |
onMouseMotion | : function to be called when the mouse move on it |
set the parent of an element in the scenary graph
parent | parent to add a child to |
child | child to be added to the parent |
int setPlanElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | DisplayCode, | ||
int | plan | ||
) |
set the plan of a display code (if the element has it)
e | : element to be modified |
displayCode | : display code to be modified |
plan | : new plan linked to the display code |
int setRotationPointElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double | x, | ||
double | y | ||
) |
set the rotation point's coordinates of an element
e | : element to be modified |
x | : new abscissa coordinate of the rotation point |
y | : new ordinate coordinate of the rotation point |
int setScriptedEntry | ( | Element * | e, |
int | isScripted | ||
) |
set an element to crypted or uncrypted
e | : element to be modified |
isScripted | : crypted option |
int setSizeEntry | ( | Element * | e, |
int | size_min, | ||
int | size_max | ||
) |
change the minimum and maximum size of a prompt (if a value is negative, it is not modified)
e | : element to be modified |
size_min | : new minimum size of the prompt |
size_max | : new maximum size of the prompt |
int setSpriteAnimationElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | codeS | ||
) |
set the sprite in the current animation of an element
e | : element to be modified |
codeS | : code of the sprite to set |
int setTextColorElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | color[4] | ||
) |
set the element's text color
e | : element to be modified |
color | : new text color |
int setTextElement | ( | Element * | e, |
const char * | text | ||
) |
set the element's text
e | : element to be modified |
text | : the new text |
int setTextQualityElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | quality | ||
) |
set the element's text color
e | : element to be modified |
quality | : new text quality |
int setTextSize | ( | Element * | e, |
double | textSize | ||
) |
set the text size of the text of an element in this element
e | : element to be modified |
textSize | : new size of the text (in percent) |
int setTextStyleElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | style | ||
) |
set the element's text font style
e | : the element to be modified |
style | : the style to apply |
set the behaviour of an element when it is unclicked
e | : element to be modified |
unCLick | : function to be called when it is unclicked |
set the behaviour of an element when the mouse move out of it
e | : element to be modified |
unMouseMotion | : function to be called when the mouse move out it |
set the behaiour of an element when it is unselect
e | : element to be modified |
unSelect | : new behaviour |
int setWaySpriteAnimationElement | ( | Element * | e, |
int | code, | ||
int | side | ||
) |
set the way to go from a sprite to another (forward (1), backward (-1), no move (0))
e | : element |
side | : new way |
int setWidthElement | ( | Element * | e, |
double | width | ||
) |
set the element's width
e | : element to be modified |
width | : new width |