A SDL2 Wrapper in C
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Element.h File Reference

Contains all structures related to Elements. More...

#include "Clickable.h"
#include "Font.h"
#include "Window.h"
#include "DisplayCode.h"
#include "Sprite.h"
#include "Action.h"
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struct  Entry
 More informations about entry. More...
struct  PtrElement
 Structure used to store elements' pointers in a list of element. More...
struct  ListPtrElement
 List of PtrElement. More...
struct  EventElement
 Behaviors of an element to events. More...
struct  Element
 All the informations of an element. More...
struct  ListDCElement
 List (display code) of list (plan) of element. More...
struct  ListElement
 List of list (display code) of list (plan) of elements. More...


#define SANDAL2_FLIP   SDL_RendererFlip


typedef struct PtrElement PtrElement
typedef struct ListPtrElement ListPtrElement
typedef struct Element Element
typedef struct ListDCElement ListDCElement
typedef struct ListElement ListElement


ListElement_initListElement (void)
 Initialise a list of lists (display code) of lists (plan) of elements. More...
void _freeListElement (ListElement *l)
 free the memory of a list of lists (display code) of lists (plan) of elements More...
int addElement (Element *e)
 add an element to a list of lists (display code) of lists (plan) of elements More...
void _cleanElement (void)
 remove all elements that are marked as deletable (do not use it yourself, used in update)
int delElement (Element *e)
 mark an element as removable More...
void _freeElement (Element *e)
 Free the memory used by an element. More...
ElementcreateBlock (double x, double y, double width, double height, int color[4], int displayCode, int plan)
 Generate a non rotable rectangle like element. More...
ElementcreateText (double x, double y, double width, double height, double textSize, const char *font, const char *text, int textColor[4], int quality, int displayCode, int plan)
 Generate a text like element. More...
ElementcreateImage (double x, double y, double width, double height, const char *image, int displayCode, int plan)
 Generate an image like element. More...
ElementcreateImageBlock (double x, double y, double width, double height, int color[4], int displayCode, int plan)
 Generate a rotable rectangle like element (slower than createBlock()) More...
ElementcreateButton (double x, double y, double width, double height, double texteSize, const char *font, const char *text, int textColor[4], int quality, int colorBlock[4], int displayCode, int plan)
 Generate a button like element. More...
ElementcreateButtonImage (double x, double y, double width, double height, double texteSize, const char *font, const char *text, int textColor[4], int quality, const char *image, int displayCode, int plan)
 Generate a button like element with an image. More...
ElementcreateEntry (double x, double y, double width, double height, double texteSize, const char *font, const char *text, int textColor[4], int quality, int colorBlock[4], int displayCode, int plan, int min, int max, int isScripted)
 Generate a prompt like element. More...
ElementcreateEntryImage (double x, double y, double width, double height, double texteSize, const char *font, const char *text, int textColor[4], int quality, const char *image, int displayCode, int plan, int min, int max, int isScripted)
 Generate a prompt like element with an image. More...
int isDisplaiedElement (Element *e)
 tell whether or not the element can be displaied More...
int clearDisplayCode (int code)
 clear all elements of a display code in the current window More...
int getFlipStateElement (Element *e, SANDAL2_FLIP *flip)
 get the flip state of an element More...
int getCoordElement (Element *e, double *x, double *y)
 getter for the Element's coordinates More...
int getAngleElement (Element *e, double *a)
 getter for the Element's angle More...
int getDimensionElement (Element *e, double *w, double *h)
 getter for the Element's dimensions More...
int getRotationPointElement (Element *e, double *x, double *y)
 getter for the Element's rotation point More...
int getDataElement (Element *e, void **data)
 getter for the element's data More...
int isSelectedElement (Element *e, int *select)
 tells whether or not the element is selected More...
int getTextStyleElement (Element *e, int *style)
int getTextElement (Element *e, char **s)
 get the text of an element More...
int getColorElement (Element *e, int color[4])
 get the element's block color More...
int getWidthElement (Element *e, double *w)
 get the element's width More...
int getHeightElement (Element *e, double *h)
 get the element's height More...
int getCoordXElement (Element *e, double *x)
 get the element's x coordinate More...
int getCoordYElement (Element *e, double *y)
 get the element's y coordinate More...
int getAlphaElement (Element *e, int *alpha)
 get the element's color alpha value (from 0 for transparent to 255 for fully visible) More...
int setFontElement (Element *e, const char *font)
 set the element's font More...
int setTextElement (Element *e, const char *text)
 set the element's text More...
int setTextStyleElement (Element *e, int style)
 set the element's text font style More...
int setColorElement (Element *e, int color[4])
 set the element's block color More...
int setTextColorElement (Element *e, int color[4])
 set the element's text color More...
int setTextQualityElement (Element *e, int quality)
 set the element's text color More...
int setImageElement (Element *e, const char *image)
 set the element's image More...
int setImageSurfaceElement (Element *e, SDL_Surface *image)
 set the element's image with a 's texture More...
int replaceElement (Element *e, double x, double y)
 set the element's coordinates More...
int moveElement (Element *e, double x, double y)
 move an element More...
int setDimensionElement (Element *e, double width, double height)
 resize an element More...
int setTextSize (Element *e, double textSize)
 set the text size of the text of an element in this element More...
int addDisplayCodeElement (Element *e, int displayCode, int plan)
 add a display code to an element (if it did not already had it) More...
int delDisplayCodeElement (Element *e, int displayCode)
 remove a display code to an element (if it has it) More...
int setDisplayCodeElement (Element *e, int displayCode, int isDisplaied)
 set the isDisplaied option of a display code (if the element has it) More...
int setPlanElement (Element *e, int DisplayCode, int plan)
 set the plan of a display code (if the element has it) More...
int clearPlanDisplayCode (int code, int plan)
 clear all elements of a plan in a display code of the current window More...
int setActionElement (Element *e, void(*action)(Element *))
 set the continuous behaviour of an element More...
int setKeyPressedElement (Element *e, void(*keyPress)(Element *, SDL_Keycode c))
 set the behaviour of an element when a key is pressed More...
int setKeyReleasedElement (Element *e, void(*keyReleased)(Element *, SDL_Keycode c))
 set the behaviour of an element when a key is released More...
int setOnClickElement (Element *e, void(*onCLick)(Element *, int button))
 set the behaviour of an element when it is clicked More...
int setOnMouseMotionElement (Element *e, void(*onMouseMotion)(Element *))
 set the behaviour of an element when the mouse move on it More...
int setUnMouseMotionElement (Element *e, void(*unMouseMotion)(Element *))
 set the behaviour of an element when the mouse move out of it More...
int setUnClickElement (Element *e, void(*unCLick)(Element *, int button))
 set the behaviour of an element when it is unclicked More...
int setUnSelectElement (Element *e, void(*unSelect)(Element *))
 set the behaiour of an element when it is unselect More...
int setEndSpriteElement (Element *e, void(*endSprite)(Element *, int currentCode))
 set the behaviour of an element when it ends a sprite More...
int setEndActionElement (Element *e, void(*endAction)(Element *))
 set the behaviour of an element when its action list ends More...
int addElementToElement (Element *e, Element *add)
 add an element to another so that this other can modifie the first one More...
int delElementToElement (Element *e, Element *del)
 remove an element to another so that this other can not modifie the first one More...
int clearElementToElement (Element *e)
 remove all elements binded to an element More...
int addClickableElement (Element *e, Clickable *hb, int blocking)
 add a clickable zone to the element (or a blocking one) More...
int addAngleElement (Element *e, double a)
 increase the angle of an element More...
int rotateElement (Element *e, double a, double prX, double prY)
 directly rotate the element (more time consuming than adding angle) More...
int setAngleElement (Element *e, double a)
 set the angle of an element More...
int setRotationPointElement (Element *e, double x, double y)
 set the rotation point's coordinates of an element More...
int setDataElement (Element *e, void *data)
 set the element's data More...
int setFreeDataElement (Element *e, void(*freeData)(void *))
 set the element's freeing data's function (by default, set to free) More...
int freeDataElement (Element *e)
 free the element's data according to the element's freeing data behavior More...
int addAnimationElement (Element *e, int code)
 add an empty animation to the element More...
int delAnimationElement (Element *e, int code)
 remove an empty animation from the list More...
int addSpriteAnimationElement (Element *e, int code, int x, int y, int width, int height, int lifespan, int codeS)
 add a Sprite to the element More...
int delSpriteAnimationElement (Element *e, int code, int codeS)
 remove a Sprite in the element More...
int setLifeSpanSpriteAnimationElement (Element *e, int code, int codeS, unsigned lifespan)
 set the lifespan of a sprite More...
int nextSpriteElement (Element *e)
 go to te next sprite of the current animation of an element More...
int previousSpriteElement (Element *e)
 go to the previous sprite of the current animation of an element More...
int setWaySpriteAnimationElement (Element *e, int code, int side)
 set the way to go from a sprite to another (forward (1), backward (-1), no move (0)) More...
int nextAnimationElement (Element *e)
 go to te next animation of an element More...
int previousAnimationElement (Element *e)
 go to the previous animation of an element More...
int setAnimationElement (Element *e, int code)
 set the animation of an element More...
int setSpriteAnimationElement (Element *e, int codeS)
 set the sprite in the current animation of an element More...
int clearWindow (void)
 remove all elements from the current window More...
int setFlipStateElement (Element *e, SANDAL2_FLIP flip)
 set the flip state of an element More...
int setWidthElement (Element *e, double width)
 set the element's width More...
int setHeightElement (Element *e, double height)
 set the element's height More...
int setCoordXElement (Element *e, double x)
 set the element's x coordinate More...
int setCoordYElement (Element *e, double y)
 set the element's y coordinate More...
int setActionListElement (Element *e, ListAction *actions)
 Define a list of actions to apply to an element. More...
int setAlphaElement (Element *e, int alpha)
 set alpha of the element (255: completly visible, 0: completly transparent) More...
long long addActionToElement (Element *e, ListAction *action)
 add an action at the end of the element action list More...
int delActionToElement (Element *e, long long index)
 remove an action of the element action list More...
int setParentElement (Element *parent, Element *child)
 set the parent of an element in the scenary graph More...
int delParentElement (Element *child)
 Remove the parent of an element in the scenary graph. More...
int initIteratorElement (Element *e)
 initialize the element's iterator on all the elements it can modifie More...
ElementnextIteratorElement (Element *e)
 gives the current element's iterator's value and go to the next one More...
int initIterator (int displayCode)
 initialise the iterator of all elements having a common display code More...
ElementnextElement ()
 gives the current iterator's value and go to the next one More...
int setSizeEntry (Element *e, int size_min, int size_max)
 change the minimum and maximum size of a prompt (if a value is negative, it is not modified) More...
int setScriptedEntry (Element *e, int isScripted)
 set an element to crypted or uncrypted More...
int addCharEntry (Element *e, char c)
 add a character to a prompt More...
int delCharEntry (Element *e)
 remove a character to a prompt More...


 List of windows WARNING : Do not touch this list ... trust me.

Detailed Description

Contains all structures related to Elements.


Function Documentation

◆ _freeElement()

void _freeElement ( Element e)

Free the memory used by an element.

e: element to be freed

◆ _freeListElement()

void _freeListElement ( ListElement l)

free the memory of a list of lists (display code) of lists (plan) of elements

l: list to be freed

◆ _initListElement()

ListElement* _initListElement ( void  )

Initialise a list of lists (display code) of lists (plan) of elements.

An empty list of lists (display code) of lists (plan) of elements

◆ addActionToElement()

long long addActionToElement ( Element e,
ListAction action 

add an action at the end of the element action list

e: element to add the action to
action: action to be added, it will be freed if the add succeeded
the index of the action added in the action list if it was added, -1 if it could not

◆ addAngleElement()

int addAngleElement ( Element e,
double  a 

increase the angle of an element

e: element to be modified
a: angle increment
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ addAnimationElement()

int addAnimationElement ( Element e,
int  code 

add an empty animation to the element

e: element
code: code of the new animation
0 if the animation could be added, 1 if not

◆ addCharEntry()

int addCharEntry ( Element e,
char  c 

add a character to a prompt

e: element to be modified
c: character to be added
0 if it was possible, 1 if not

◆ addClickableElement()

int addClickableElement ( Element e,
Clickable hb,
int  blocking 

add a clickable zone to the element (or a blocking one)

e: element to be modified
hb: clickable zone to be add
blocking: tells whether or not the clickable zone is a blocking one
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ addDisplayCodeElement()

int addDisplayCodeElement ( Element e,
int  displayCode,
int  plan 

add a display code to an element (if it did not already had it)

e: element to be modified
displayCode: new display code
plan: plan linked to the new display code
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ addElement()

int addElement ( Element e)

add an element to a list of lists (display code) of lists (plan) of elements

e: element to be add
0 if it could be done, 1 if not

◆ addElementToElement()

int addElementToElement ( Element e,
Element add 

add an element to another so that this other can modifie the first one

e: element to be modified
add: element to be add
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ addSpriteAnimationElement()

int addSpriteAnimationElement ( Element e,
int  code,
int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
int  lifespan,
int  codeS 

add a Sprite to the element

e: element
x: abscissa coordinate of the top left corner of the sprite in its image
y: ordinate coordinate of the top left corner of the sprite in its image
width: width of the sprite in its image
height: height of the sprite in its image
lifespan: number of time the sprite should be displaied before going to the next sprite
codeS: identifier of the sprite to be added
0 if the sprite was correctly added, 1 if not

◆ clearDisplayCode()

int clearDisplayCode ( int  code)

clear all elements of a display code in the current window

code: display code to be cleared
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ clearElementToElement()

int clearElementToElement ( Element e)

remove all elements binded to an element

e: element to be modified
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ clearPlanDisplayCode()

int clearPlanDisplayCode ( int  code,
int  plan 

clear all elements of a plan in a display code of the current window

code: display code to be modified
plan: plan to be removed
0 if it succeeded, 1 if not

◆ clearWindow()

int clearWindow ( void  )

remove all elements from the current window

0 if it was possible, 1 if not

◆ createBlock()

Element* createBlock ( double  x,
double  y,
double  width,
double  height,
int  color[4],
int  displayCode,
int  plan 

Generate a non rotable rectangle like element.

x: abscissa coordinate of its top left corner
y: ordinate coordinate of its top left corner
width: width of the element
height: height of the element
color: color of the rectangle (RGBA)
displayCode: display code of the rectangle
plan: plan of the rectangle

◆ createButton()

Element* createButton ( double  x,
double  y,
double  width,
double  height,
double  texteSize,
const char *  font,
const char *  text,
int  textColor[4],
int  quality,
int  colorBlock[4],
int  displayCode,
int  plan 

Generate a button like element.

x: abscissa coordinate of its top left corner
y: ordinate coordinate of its top left corner
width: width of the element
height: height of the element
texteSize: proportion of the text in the rectangle (it is centered)
font: path to load the font to be used by the element
text: text of the element
textColor: color of the text (RGBA)
quality: quality of the text's texture (blended, shaded or solid)
colorBlock: color of the rectangle (RGBA)
displayCode: display code of the button
plan: plan of the button

◆ createButtonImage()

Element* createButtonImage ( double  x,
double  y,
double  width,
double  height,
double  texteSize,
const char *  font,
const char *  text,
int  textColor[4],
int  quality,
const char *  image,
int  displayCode,
int  plan 

Generate a button like element with an image.

x: abscissa coordinate of its top left corner
y: ordinate coordinate of its top left corner
width: width of the element
height: height of the element
texteSize: proportion of the text in the rectangle (it is centered)
font: path to load the font to be used by the element
text: text of the element
textColor: color of the text (RGBA)
quality: quality of the text's texture (blended, shaded or solid)
image: path to load the image to be used by the element
displayCode: display code of the button
plan: plan of the button

◆ createEntry()

Element* createEntry ( double  x,
double  y,
double  width,
double  height,
double  texteSize,
const char *  font,
const char *  text,
int  textColor[4],
int  quality,
int  colorBlock[4],
int  displayCode,
int  plan,
int  min,
int  max,
int  isScripted 

Generate a prompt like element.

x: abscissa coordinate of its top left corner
y: ordinate coordinate of its top left corner
width: width of the element
height: height of the element
texteSize: proportion of the text in the rectangle (it is centered)
font: path to load the font to be used by the element
text: text of the element
textColor: color of the text (RGBA)
quality: quality of the text's texture (blended, shaded or solid)
colorBlock: color of the rectangle (RGBA)
displayCode: display code of the button
plan: plan of the button
min: minimum number of character for the prompt to be validate
max: maximum number of character for the prompt to be validate
isScripted: flag which tells whether or not the prompt is cripted

◆ createEntryImage()

Element* createEntryImage ( double  x,
double  y,
double  width,
double  height,
double  texteSize,
const char *  font,
const char *  text,
int  textColor[4],
int  quality,
const char *  image,
int  displayCode,
int  plan,
int  min,
int  max,
int  isScripted 

Generate a prompt like element with an image.

x: abscissa coordinate of its top left corner
y: ordinate coordinate of its top left corner
width: width of the element
height: height of the element
texteSize: proportion of the text in the rectangle (it is centered)
font: path to load the font to be used by the element
text: text of the element
textColor: color of the text (RGBA)
quality: quality of the text's texture (blended, shaded or solid)
image: path to load the image to be used by the element
displayCode: display code of the button
plan: plan of the button
min: minimum number of character for the prompt to be validate
max: maximum number of character for the prompt to be validate
isScripted: flag which tells whether or not the prompt is cripted

◆ createImage()

Element* createImage ( double  x,
double  y,
double  width,
double  height,
const char *  image,
int  displayCode,
int  plan 

Generate an image like element.

x: abscissa coordinate of its top left corner
y: ordinate coordinate of its top left corner
width: width of the element
height: height of the element
image: path to load the image to be used by the element
displayCode: display code of the image
plan: plan of the image

◆ createImageBlock()

Element* createImageBlock ( double  x,
double  y,
double  width,
double  height,
int  color[4],
int  displayCode,
int  plan 

Generate a rotable rectangle like element (slower than createBlock())

x: abscissa coordinate of its top left corner
y: ordinate coordinate of its top left corner
width: width of the element
height: height of the element
color: color of the rectangle (RGBA)
displayCode: display code of the rectangle
plan: plan of the rectangle

◆ createText()

Element* createText ( double  x,
double  y,
double  width,
double  height,
double  textSize,
const char *  font,
const char *  text,
int  textColor[4],
int  quality,
int  displayCode,
int  plan 

Generate a text like element.

x: abscissa coordinate of its top left corner
y: ordinate coordinate of its top left corner
width: width of the element
height: height of the element
font: path to load the font to be used by the element
text: text of the element
textColor: color of the text (RGBA)
quality: quality of the text's texture (blended, shaded or solid)
displayCode: display code of the text
plan: plan of the text

◆ delActionToElement()

int delActionToElement ( Element e,
long long  index 

remove an action of the element action list

e: element to be modified
index: index of the action to be removed
1 if it failed, 0 if not

◆ delAnimationElement()

int delAnimationElement ( Element e,
int  code 

remove an empty animation from the list

l: list of animation
code: code of the animation to be removed
0 if the animation could be removed, 1 if not

◆ delCharEntry()

int delCharEntry ( Element e)

remove a character to a prompt

e: element to be modified
0 if it was possible, 1 if not

◆ delDisplayCodeElement()

int delDisplayCodeElement ( Element e,
int  displayCode 

remove a display code to an element (if it has it)

e: element to be modified
displayCode: display code to be removed
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ delElement()

int delElement ( Element e)

mark an element as removable

e: element to be removed
0 if it could be done, 1 if not

◆ delElementToElement()

int delElementToElement ( Element e,
Element del 

remove an element to another so that this other can not modifie the first one

e: element to be modified
del: element to be removed
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ delParentElement()

int delParentElement ( Element child)

Remove the parent of an element in the scenary graph.

childelement to remove the parent from
1 if it failed, 0 if not

◆ delSpriteAnimationElement()

int delSpriteAnimationElement ( Element e,
int  code,
int  codeS 

remove a Sprite in the element

e: element
codeS: code of the sprite to be removed
0 if the sprite was correctly removed, 1 if not

◆ freeDataElement()

int freeDataElement ( Element e)

free the element's data according to the element's freeing data behavior

e: element to be modified
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ getAlphaElement()

int getAlphaElement ( Element e,
int *  alpha 

get the element's color alpha value (from 0 for transparent to 255 for fully visible)

e: element to get the informations from
alpha: where to store the alpha value
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ getAngleElement()

int getAngleElement ( Element e,
double *  a 

getter for the Element's angle

e: element to get the angle
a: where the angle will be store
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ getColorElement()

int getColorElement ( Element e,
int  color[4] 

get the element's block color

e: element to get the informations from
color: where to store the block color
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ getCoordElement()

int getCoordElement ( Element e,
double *  x,
double *  y 

getter for the Element's coordinates

e: element to get the coordinates
x: where the abscissa coordinate will be store
y: where the ordinate coordinate will be store
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ getCoordXElement()

int getCoordXElement ( Element e,
double *  x 

get the element's x coordinate

e: element to get the informations from
x: where to store the x coordinate
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ getCoordYElement()

int getCoordYElement ( Element e,
double *  y 

get the element's y coordinate

e: element to get the informations from
y: where to store the y coordinate
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ getDataElement()

int getDataElement ( Element e,
void **  data 

getter for the element's data

e: element to get its data
data: where to store the element's data
0 if it could be done, 1 if not

◆ getDimensionElement()

int getDimensionElement ( Element e,
double *  w,
double *  h 

getter for the Element's dimensions

e: element to get the dimensions
w: where the width will be store
h: where the height will be store
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ getFlipStateElement()

int getFlipStateElement ( Element e,
SANDAL2_FLIP *  flip 

get the flip state of an element

e: element to get the flip state
flip: where to store the flip state
0 if it succeeded, 1 if not

◆ getHeightElement()

int getHeightElement ( Element e,
double *  h 

get the element's height

e: element to get the informations from
h: where to store the height
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ getRotationPointElement()

int getRotationPointElement ( Element e,
double *  x,
double *  y 

getter for the Element's rotation point

e: element to get the rotation point's coordinate
x: where the abscissa coordinate of the rotation point will be store
y: where the ordinate coordinate of the rotation point will be store
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ getTextElement()

int getTextElement ( Element e,
char **  s 

get the text of an element

e: the element to get the text from
s: where to store the text
1 if it failed, 0 if not

◆ getTextStyleElement()

int getTextStyleElement ( Element e,
int *  style 

get the element's text font style

e: the element to get the font style
style: where to store the style
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ getWidthElement()

int getWidthElement ( Element e,
double *  w 

get the element's width

e: element to get the informations from
w: where to store the width
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ initIterator()

int initIterator ( int  displayCode)

initialise the iterator of all elements having a common display code

displayCode: common display code of the elements
1 if it succeeded, 0 if not

◆ initIteratorElement()

int initIteratorElement ( Element e)

initialize the element's iterator on all the elements it can modifie

e: element from which to initialise the iterator
1 if it succeeded, 0 if not

◆ isDisplaiedElement()

int isDisplaiedElement ( Element e)

tell whether or not the element can be displaied

e: element
1 if the element is displaied (even outside the window), 0 if not

◆ isSelectedElement()

int isSelectedElement ( Element e,
int *  select 

tells whether or not the element is selected

e: element to get the information from
select: where to store the information
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ moveElement()

int moveElement ( Element e,
double  x,
double  y 

move an element

e: element to be modified
x: abscissa increment
y: ordinate increment
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ nextAnimationElement()

int nextAnimationElement ( Element e)

go to te next animation of an element

e: element
0 if it was possible, 1 if not

◆ nextElement()

Element* nextElement ( )

gives the current iterator's value and go to the next one

the current element

◆ nextIteratorElement()

Element* nextIteratorElement ( Element e)

gives the current element's iterator's value and go to the next one

e: element to be modified
the current element

◆ nextSpriteElement()

int nextSpriteElement ( Element e)

go to te next sprite of the current animation of an element

e: element
0 if it was possible, 1 if not

◆ previousAnimationElement()

int previousAnimationElement ( Element e)

go to the previous animation of an element

e: element
0 if it was possible, 1 if not

◆ previousSpriteElement()

int previousSpriteElement ( Element e)

go to the previous sprite of the current animation of an element

e: element
0 if it was possible, 1 if not

◆ replaceElement()

int replaceElement ( Element e,
double  x,
double  y 

set the element's coordinates

e: element to be modified
x: new abscissa coordinate
y: new ordinate coordinate

◆ rotateElement()

int rotateElement ( Element e,
double  a,
double  prX,
double  prY 

directly rotate the element (more time consuming than adding angle)

e: element to rotate around a rotation point
a: angle of the rotation
prX: x coordinate of the rotation point
prY: y coordinate of the rotation point
1 if it failed, 0 if not

◆ setActionElement()

int setActionElement ( Element e,
void(*)(Element *)  action 

set the continuous behaviour of an element

e: element to be modified
action: function to be called on each update call
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setActionListElement()

int setActionListElement ( Element e,
ListAction actions 

Define a list of actions to apply to an element.

e: element to be modified
actions: list of actions to set on the element (do not free it yourself)
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ setAlphaElement()

int setAlphaElement ( Element e,
int  alpha 

set alpha of the element (255: completly visible, 0: completly transparent)

e: element to modify
alpha: new alpha value of the element
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ setAngleElement()

int setAngleElement ( Element e,
double  a 

set the angle of an element

e: element to be modified
a: new angle of the element
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setAnimationElement()

int setAnimationElement ( Element e,
int  code 

set the animation of an element

e: element to be modified
code: code of the animation to set
0 if the animation is set, 1 if not

◆ setColorElement()

int setColorElement ( Element e,
int  color[4] 

set the element's block color

e: element to be modified
color: new block color
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ setCoordXElement()

int setCoordXElement ( Element e,
double  x 

set the element's x coordinate

e: element to be modified
x: new x coordinate
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ setCoordYElement()

int setCoordYElement ( Element e,
double  y 

set the element's y coordinate

e: element to be modified
y: new y coordinate
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ setDataElement()

int setDataElement ( Element e,
void *  data 

set the element's data

e: element to be modified
data: new data of the element
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setDimensionElement()

int setDimensionElement ( Element e,
double  width,
double  height 

resize an element

e: element to be modified
width: new width
height: new height
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setDisplayCodeElement()

int setDisplayCodeElement ( Element e,
int  displayCode,
int  isDisplaied 

set the isDisplaied option of a display code (if the element has it)

e: element to be modified
displayCode: display code to be modified
isDisplaied: new isDisplaied option
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setEndActionElement()

int setEndActionElement ( Element e,
void(*)(Element *)  endAction 

set the behaviour of an element when its action list ends

e: element to be modified
unSelect: new behaviour
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setEndSpriteElement()

int setEndSpriteElement ( Element e,
void(*)(Element *, int currentCode)  endSprite 

set the behaviour of an element when it ends a sprite

e: element to be modified
endSprite: new behaviour
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setFlipStateElement()

int setFlipStateElement ( Element e,

set the flip state of an element

e: element to be modified
flip: new flip state of the element
0 if it was possible, 1 if not

◆ setFontElement()

int setFontElement ( Element e,
const char *  font 

set the element's font

e: element to be modified
font: path of the new font
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ setFreeDataElement()

int setFreeDataElement ( Element e,
void(*)(void *)  freeData 

set the element's freeing data's function (by default, set to free)

e: element to be modified
freeData: new data freeing behavior
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setHeightElement()

int setHeightElement ( Element e,
double  height 

set the element's height

e: element to be modified
height: new height
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ setImageElement()

int setImageElement ( Element e,
const char *  image 

set the element's image

e: element to be modified
image: path of the new image
1 if it failed, 0 if it succeeded

◆ setImageSurfaceElement()

int setImageSurfaceElement ( Element e,
SDL_Surface *  image 

set the element's image with a 's texture

e: element to be modified
image: surface of the new image
1 if it failed, 0 if it succeeded

◆ setKeyPressedElement()

int setKeyPressedElement ( Element e,
void(*)(Element *, SDL_Keycode c)  keyPress 

set the behaviour of an element when a key is pressed

e: element to be modified
keyPress: function to be called when a key is pressed
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setKeyReleasedElement()

int setKeyReleasedElement ( Element e,
void(*)(Element *, SDL_Keycode c)  keyReleased 

set the behaviour of an element when a key is released

e: element to be modified
keyReleased: function to be called when a key is released
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setLifeSpanSpriteAnimationElement()

int setLifeSpanSpriteAnimationElement ( Element e,
int  code,
int  codeS,
unsigned  lifespan 

set the lifespan of a sprite

e: element
codeS: code of the sprite to be changed
lifespan: new number of time the sprite should be displaied before going to the next sprite
0 if the lifespan could be set, 1 if not

◆ setOnClickElement()

int setOnClickElement ( Element e,
void(*)(Element *, int button)  onCLick 

set the behaviour of an element when it is clicked

e: element to be modified
onCLick: function to be called when it is clicked
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setOnMouseMotionElement()

int setOnMouseMotionElement ( Element e,
void(*)(Element *)  onMouseMotion 

set the behaviour of an element when the mouse move on it

e: element to be modified
onMouseMotion: function to be called when the mouse move on it
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setParentElement()

int setParentElement ( Element parent,
Element child 

set the parent of an element in the scenary graph

parentparent to add a child to
childchild to be added to the parent
1 if it failed, 0 if not

◆ setPlanElement()

int setPlanElement ( Element e,
int  DisplayCode,
int  plan 

set the plan of a display code (if the element has it)

e: element to be modified
displayCode: display code to be modified
plan: new plan linked to the display code
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setRotationPointElement()

int setRotationPointElement ( Element e,
double  x,
double  y 

set the rotation point's coordinates of an element

e: element to be modified
x: new abscissa coordinate of the rotation point
y: new ordinate coordinate of the rotation point
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setScriptedEntry()

int setScriptedEntry ( Element e,
int  isScripted 

set an element to crypted or uncrypted

e: element to be modified
isScripted: crypted option
0 if it was possible, 1 if not

◆ setSizeEntry()

int setSizeEntry ( Element e,
int  size_min,
int  size_max 

change the minimum and maximum size of a prompt (if a value is negative, it is not modified)

e: element to be modified
size_min: new minimum size of the prompt
size_max: new maximum size of the prompt
0 if it was possible, 1 if not

◆ setSpriteAnimationElement()

int setSpriteAnimationElement ( Element e,
int  codeS 

set the sprite in the current animation of an element

e: element to be modified
codeS: code of the sprite to set
0 if the sprite is set, 1 if not

◆ setTextColorElement()

int setTextColorElement ( Element e,
int  color[4] 

set the element's text color

e: element to be modified
color: new text color
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ setTextElement()

int setTextElement ( Element e,
const char *  text 

set the element's text

e: element to be modified
text: the new text
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ setTextQualityElement()

int setTextQualityElement ( Element e,
int  quality 

set the element's text color

e: element to be modified
quality: new text quality
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ setTextSize()

int setTextSize ( Element e,
double  textSize 

set the text size of the text of an element in this element

e: element to be modified
textSize: new size of the text (in percent)
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setTextStyleElement()

int setTextStyleElement ( Element e,
int  style 

set the element's text font style

e: the element to be modified
style: the style to apply
1 if there was an error, 0 if not

◆ setUnClickElement()

int setUnClickElement ( Element e,
void(*)(Element *, int button)  unCLick 

set the behaviour of an element when it is unclicked

e: element to be modified
unCLick: function to be called when it is unclicked
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setUnMouseMotionElement()

int setUnMouseMotionElement ( Element e,
void(*)(Element *)  unMouseMotion 

set the behaviour of an element when the mouse move out of it

e: element to be modified
unMouseMotion: function to be called when the mouse move out it
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setUnSelectElement()

int setUnSelectElement ( Element e,
void(*)(Element *)  unSelect 

set the behaiour of an element when it is unselect

e: element to be modified
unSelect: new behaviour
1 if it was impossible, 0 if not

◆ setWaySpriteAnimationElement()

int setWaySpriteAnimationElement ( Element e,
int  code,
int  side 

set the way to go from a sprite to another (forward (1), backward (-1), no move (0))

e: element
side: new way
0 if the way could be set, 1 if not

◆ setWidthElement()

int setWidthElement ( Element e,
double  width 

set the element's width

e: element to be modified
width: new width
1 if there was an error, 0 if not