A SDL2 Wrapper in C
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Clickable.h File Reference

Generic hitboxes either polygonial, elliptic or a mixe of both. More...

#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
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struct  Line
 Represente a line which delimitate a hittable surface from a none hittable one. More...
struct  Circle
 Represente a hittable ellipse. More...
struct  Clickable
 Represente a hit boxe which is a collection of Line (defining a convexe polygon) and Circle. More...
struct  ListClickable
 Collection of hit boxes. More...


typedef struct Line Line
typedef struct Circle Circle
typedef struct Clickable Clickable


ClickableinitClickable ()
 Generate an empty hitbox. More...
int addLine (Clickable *hb, double a, double b, double c, int side)
 add a line to the hitbox side*(ax+by) > side*c More...
int addCircle (Clickable *hb, double x, double y, double rX, double rY, double theta)
 add an ellipse to the hitbox More...
int delLine (Clickable *hb, double a, double b, double c, int side)
 remove a line from the hitbox More...
int delCircle (Clickable *hb, double x, double y, double rX, double rY, double theta)
 remove an ellipse from the hitbox More...
int hitClickable (Clickable *hb, double x, double y)
 tells if (x,y) touch the hitbox More...
ClickablerectangleClickable (double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
 generate a rectangulare shapped Clickable More...
ClickableellipseClickable (double x, double y, double rX, double rY, double theta)
 generate an ellipse shapped Clickable More...
void freeClickable (Clickable *hb)
 free a hit boxe's memory More...
void freeListClickable (ListClickable *l)
 free the memory of a list of hit boxe More...
ListClickableinitListClickable ()
 initialise an empty list of hit boxes More...
int addClickable (ListClickable *l, Clickable *hb, int blocking)
 add a hit boxe to a list of hit boxes More...
int delClickable (ListClickable *l, Clickable *hb, int blocking)
 remove a hit boxe to a list of hit boxes More...
int initIteratorListClickable (ListClickable *l)
 initialise the iterator of the list of non blocking hit boxes More...
ClickablenextClickable (ListClickable *l)
 getter of the current non blocking element of the iterator and setter of the next element More...
int initIteratorListClickableBlocking (ListClickable *l)
 initialise the iterator of the list of blocking hit boxes More...
ClickablenextClickableBlocking (ListClickable *l)
 getter of the current blocking element of the iterator and setter of the next element More...
int hitListClickable (ListClickable *l, double x, double y)
 tells if (x,y) touch one of the hitboxes More...

Detailed Description

Generic hitboxes either polygonial, elliptic or a mixe of both.


Function Documentation

◆ addCircle()

int addCircle ( Clickable hb,
double  x,
double  y,
double  rX,
double  rY,
double  theta 

add an ellipse to the hitbox

hb: hit boxe to which the line will be added
x: abscissa coordinate of the center of the ellipse
y: ordinate coordinate of the center of the ellipse
rX: size of the radius parallel to the abscissa axis
rY: size of the radius parallel to the ordinate axis
theta: rotation of the ellipse (in degree)
0 if the ellipse was correctly added, 1 in the other case

◆ addClickable()

int addClickable ( ListClickable l,
Clickable hb,
int  blocking 

add a hit boxe to a list of hit boxes

l: list of hit boxes
hb: hit boxe
0 if the hit boxe was succesfully added, 1 if not

◆ addLine()

int addLine ( Clickable hb,
double  a,
double  b,
double  c,
int  side 

add a line to the hitbox side*(ax+by) > side*c

hb: hit boxe to which the line will be added
a: a in the equation of the line ax+by=c
b: b in the equation of the line ax+by=c
c: c in the equation of the line ax+by=c
side: indicator of the side of the line which is hittable (-1 : ax+by<c, 1 : ax+by>c)
0 if the line was correctly added, 1 in the other case

◆ delCircle()

int delCircle ( Clickable hb,
double  x,
double  y,
double  rX,
double  rY,
double  theta 

remove an ellipse from the hitbox

hb: hit boxe to which the line will be removed
x: abscissa coordinate of the center of the ellipse
y: ordinate coordinate of the center of the ellipse
rX: size of the radius parallel to the abscissa axis
rY: size of the radius parallel to the ordinate axis
theta: rotation of the ellipse (in degree)
0 if the ellipse was correctly removed, 1 in the other case

◆ delClickable()

int delClickable ( ListClickable l,
Clickable hb,
int  blocking 

remove a hit boxe to a list of hit boxes

l: list of hit boxes
hb: hit boxe
blocking: 0 if the hit boxe is hittable, 1 if it block other hit boxes
0 if the hit boxe was succesfully removed, 1 if not

◆ delLine()

int delLine ( Clickable hb,
double  a,
double  b,
double  c,
int  side 

remove a line from the hitbox

hb: hit boxe to which the line will be removed
a: a in the equation of the line ax+by=c
b: b in the equation of the line ax+by=c
c: c in the equation of the line ax+by=c
side: indicator of the side of the line which is hittable (-1 : ax+by<c, 1 : ax+by>c)
0 if the line was correctly removed, 1 in the other case

◆ ellipseClickable()

Clickable* ellipseClickable ( double  x,
double  y,
double  rX,
double  rY,
double  theta 

generate an ellipse shapped Clickable

x: abscissa coordinate of the center of the ellipse
y: ordinate coordinate of the center of the ellipse
rX: size of the radius parallel to the abscissa axis
rY: size of the radius parallel to the ordinate axis
theta: rotation of the ellipse (in degree)
An elliptical hit boxe

◆ freeClickable()

void freeClickable ( Clickable hb)

free a hit boxe's memory

hb: hit boxe to be freed

◆ freeListClickable()

void freeListClickable ( ListClickable l)

free the memory of a list of hit boxe

l: list of hit boxe to be freed

◆ hitClickable()

int hitClickable ( Clickable hb,
double  x,
double  y 

tells if (x,y) touch the hitbox

hb: hit boxe that you are trying to touch
x: abscissa coordinate of the point trying to touch the hit boxe
y: ordinate coordinate of the point trying to touch the hit boxe
1 if the hit boxe is hit, 0 in the other case

◆ hitListClickable()

int hitListClickable ( ListClickable l,
double  x,
double  y 

tells if (x,y) touch one of the hitboxes

l: list of hit boxes
x: abscissa coordinate of the point trying to touch the hit boxe
y: ordinate coordinate of the point trying to touch the hit boxe
1 if one of the hit boxes was hit, 0 if not

◆ initClickable()

Clickable* initClickable ( )

Generate an empty hitbox.

return an empty hitbox

◆ initIteratorListClickable()

int initIteratorListClickable ( ListClickable l)

initialise the iterator of the list of non blocking hit boxes

l: list of hit boxes
1 if the iterator was succesfully initialised, 0 if not

◆ initIteratorListClickableBlocking()

int initIteratorListClickableBlocking ( ListClickable l)

initialise the iterator of the list of blocking hit boxes

l: list of hit boxes
1 if the iterator was succesfully initialised, 0 if not

◆ initListClickable()

ListClickable* initListClickable ( )

initialise an empty list of hit boxes

an empty list of hit boxes

◆ nextClickable()

Clickable* nextClickable ( ListClickable l)

getter of the current non blocking element of the iterator and setter of the next element

the current hit boxes

◆ nextClickableBlocking()

Clickable* nextClickableBlocking ( ListClickable l)

getter of the current blocking element of the iterator and setter of the next element

the current hit boxes

◆ rectangleClickable()

Clickable* rectangleClickable ( double  x1,
double  y1,
double  x2,
double  y2 

generate a rectangulare shapped Clickable

x1: abscissa coordinate of the top left point of the rectangle
y1: ordinate coordinate of the top left point of the rectangle
x2: abscissa coordinate of the bottom right point of the rectangle
y2: ordinate coordinate of the bottom right point of the rectangle
A rectangulare hit boxe defined by the points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)